Post Laser Hair Removal Care
Laser hair removal is a common procedure, and it is offered at Infinity Medispa. It is used to remove unwanted hair from a person’s legs, armpits, upper lip, chin, and bikini line. It can be used in other areas too if needed. Laser hair removal is a multi-treatment process. It sometimes takes multiple treatments to fully remove hair. Maintenance treatments could also be needed.
What to Expect
Redness and bumps are completely normal after undergoing laser hair removal. They normally last around two hours; most of the time they go away quickly. The treated area may also burn like the feeling of sunburn for a few hours. This should also resolve itself quickly.
Keep The Area Clean
After your treatment, you should gently clean the area that was treated. Use mild soap to wash it, and then pat the area dry. Do not rub the area because it could irritate it. Avoid lotion, deodorant, and makeup for the first 24 hours.
Avoid The Sun
When you get laser hair removal, you must stay out of the sun for two months. Keep the area you have treated covered, or use sunscreen that contains SPF. This will help you avoid light and/or dark spots forming.
Leave The Area Alone
Do not pick at or scratch the area you had treated. You should also avoid using a tweezer or any hair removal products. If you want the best results, avoid touching the area as much as possible.
Results to Look For
It can often take multiple sessions of laser hair removal to achieve a client’s goal. Sometimes it only takes a couple of sessions, but it can take up to ten sessions. If you want perfect, smooth, hairless skin you should consider making a laser hair removal appointment!