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Ask The Aesthetician: CoolSculpting

Manon is an aesthetician at the Homewood location of Infinity Medispa. We recently sat down and interviewed her with many different questions relating to CoolSculpting. She has great insight to help us better understand what CoolSculpting is and how it can be helpful for you.

What is CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a form of destroying fat without any kind of surgical invasion. It is done with a machine that suctions fat on the body while also freezing it. When the fat cells are frozen they are killed and will eventually flush out of the body.

How many sessions does CoolSculpting take?

Coolsculpting is different for everyone, but it normally takes one to two sessions to make a difference. It takes around three months for there to be a visible difference. Some people choose to come for a second treatment three months after their first treatment.

What happens after receiving a CoolSculpting treatment?

Coolsculpting is non-invasive so there is not much need for recovery time. After the treatment, you can expect to be a little sore, and you could also expect a small amount of bruising. We suggest that clients who received CoolSculpting treatment refrain from working out and drink a lot of water.

What does Manon think about CoolSculpting?

Manon says that she recommends CoolSculpting to anyone who wants to get rid of stubborn fat cells. It is an easy non-invasive process that can help you feel more confident!

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