What is the VI Peel and Should I Get One?
The VI peel is a popular option that helps improve clarity, texture and tone of skin. It uses a combination of 5 acids, Phenol, TCA, Retinol, Asorbic and Salicylic. It’s a great for men and women both and can be started after puberty to help with acne. This is one of the best treatments we can offer our clients. It also helps with hyper-pigmentation and acne scars, in many cases eliminating those acne scars.
Will the VI Peel Work Well With My Skin Type?
The VI peel works well with all skin types. This particular peel is one of the first offerings available for people of color that provides anti-aging and skin restoration. The fact that it works for men and women, people of all colors and even people as young as teenagers makes it one of the most viable treatments that we offer.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
You can see significant repair and healthier skin after one treatment. We do recommend 3 or 4 treatments per year. People who have significant acne scarring or hyper-pigmentation may require more treatments. As always, after the treatment the results and the time it lasts depends on how well you take care of your skin.
Will The Treatment Hurt and Will I Have Down Time?
The beauty of the VI peel is that its virtually painless. Most of our clients report a warm sensation that lasts a short period of time. There is no burning and no pain. There is also no down time with this treatment. Most people begin to peel about the third day and many times its barely noticeable and can be covered up with moisturizer. You will not have any restrictions as far as movement. Around day 3 and 4 you should limit sun exposure as much as possible, after that just take your normal skin precautions when being exposed to the sun.
How Can I Set Up an Appointment and What Can I Expect?
Contact us and we can bring you in for a free consultation and set up a treatment plan for you. Our staff is great and they are waiting to help you.
After your consultation you will come in for your first appointment and have your treatment done. The treatment should take 20 minutes or less and you can go on about your day like normal.
Visit our website or call for more information.