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Define Your Jawline

Kybella: The Non-Surgical Solution to Double Chin in Alabama

Ask anyone what they dislike the most about themselves in pictures, and you’re as likely as not to hear the dreaded double chin. Our chin, neck, and jawline are some of the most visible parts of our bodies, shaping the way we’re viewed day in and day out. So it’s no wonder most people feel unsatisfied with the way they look in the area under their chin.

Kybella is the answer to eliminating unwanted fat beneath the chin, commonly known as a double chin. At Infinity Med-I-Spa, we specialize in this non-surgical treatment, offering you a path to a more defined jawline without the need for invasive procedures. Interested in learning more? Read on or schedule your free consultation to get personalized recommendations.

How it Works: Unlocking the Potential of Kybella

Kybella is more than just a cosmetic treatment; it’s a confidence booster. Kybella injections contain deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body, which aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Kybella destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin.

Each Kybella session involves multiple small injections under your jawline, with the entire process taking about 15 to 20 minutes. The number of treatments varies from person to person, depending on the amount of fat under the chin and your desired profile.

What sets Kybella apart is its ability to offer lasting results. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat, meaning that once you reach your desired aesthetic, further treatment is not expected. With Kybella, you can achieve a sharper, more contoured jawline that enhances your overall facial profile.

Is Kybella Right for Me?

Kybella may be right for you if you desire a sleeker profile or if you are bothered by the area under your chin. If you think this area makes you look older or heavier, or if you have tried diet and exercise but the stubborn fat under your chin refuses to budge, Kybella could be a great choice for you. To find out if this treatment is right for your goals, schedule your free consultation at your nearest office in Hoover, Greystone, Homewood, Huntsville, Decatur, or Anniston!

Kybella FAQs

The number of treatments varies among individuals. On average, clients receive 2-4 treatments, with each session spaced at least one month apart.

Kybella requires minimal to no downtime. Some patients may experience swelling, bruising, or numbness under the chin, but these are typically short-lived.

Once the desired outcome is achieved, the results from Kybella are permanent, as the fat cells are permanently destroyed and cannot store fat in the future.

Begin Your Journey to a Refined Profile

At Infinity Med-I-Spa, we’re committed to providing treatments that not only enhance your appearance but also boost your self-confidence. Kybella is a testament to our dedication to offering innovative, non-invasive solutions that cater to your aesthetic goals. Ready to redefine your jawline and say goodbye to that double chin? Schedule your Kybella consultation with us today and take the first step towards a more sculpted, confident you.

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