Get Your Dream Body with CoolSculpting

by | Feb 19, 2024 | Services

Have you been working out and watching what you eat, but still have stubborn pockets of fat? CoolSculpting offers a non-invasive way to freeze away fat and sculpt your body! Keep reading to learn how CoolSculpting can melt away fat.


How does CoolSculpting melt away fat?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate diet and exercise-resistant fat. It targets visible bulges under the chin, jawline, thighs, abdomen, flanks, back, arms, and buttocks. The cold temperature triggers a process called cryolipolysis that breaks down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by your body over time.


Is CoolSculpting Right for Me?

CoolSculpting is an ideal treatment if you have unwanted fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise. Both women and men of all skin types and colors see results. As long as you don’t have certain medical conditions like cryoglobulinemia or cold agglutinin disease, you can benefit from treatment. The only way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation.


What to Expect During Treatment

During a CoolSculpting session, a technician applies a gel pad and applicator to the treatment area. You may feel pulling, pinching, stinging, cramping, or intense cold at first. As the area becomes numb after 5-10 minutes, discomfort usually goes away. After the 35-60 minute session, the technician massages the area to break up crystallized dead fat cells for elimination by the body. You can relax, work, or even nap during your appointment. Some patients need only one session per area treated while others benefit from additional sessions.


CoolSculpting Results

Most patients start to see changes as soon as 3 weeks after CoolSculpting. Your body removes the broken-down fat cells gradually over one to four months. On average, each session leads to a 20-25% permanent reduction of fat cells. That means you’ll slim down in your problem spots for good. Many patients are thrilled with the results after just one treatment per area.


Long-Lasting Body Contouring

The great thing about eliminating fat cells with CoolSculpting is that those cells can never come back. Your results will still be visible years later as long as you maintain your weight with diet and exercise. Touch-up sessions can treat any remaining unwanted pockets of fat. There’s no downtime after treatment – you can get right back to your everyday routine immediately.


Melt Away Fat with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting offers a way to contour your body without surgery, needles, or downtime. If you have stubborn fat despite living an active, healthy lifestyle, we encourage you to schedule a consultation. Let us develop a customized plan to help you achieve the slim, toned physique of your dreams. Our knowledgeable staff is here to answer all your questions and concerns. Contact us today!


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